Nationwide "Complete Shutdown" Announced by Anti-Discrimination Student Movement | Bangla Blokade

In response to the heinous attack by the police, BGB, RAB, and SWAT on the peaceful student protests, and demanding justice for the murders, ensuring a terror-free campus, and fulfilling our single-point demand, we hereby announce a "Complete Shutdown" across the country tomorrow, July 18.

No institution, except for hospitals and emergency services, will open their doors. No vehicles, except for ambulances, will operate on the roads. We call upon students of every school, college, university, private university, and madrasa nationwide to make tomorrow's program a success.To our guardians, we say, we are your children. Stand by us and protect us. This fight is not just for the students but for the people of this country, regardless of political affiliation.Anti-Discrimination Student Movement
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